How to Look for A Good Colon Cleanser

How to Look for A Good Colon Cleanser

Type "colon cleansers" and you'd have a lot of results for products promising to get rid of toxins. You know you want a good colon cleansing product that works but you also want something that is safe. One of the best things you should do, before anything else, is to research. This way, you would be familiarized with more popular products and would be able to read other people's testimonials about a particular brand. Filtering products that do and do not work is actually easier than you thought.


Talk to your doctor. A medical opinion and evaluation of your medical history is very important before you choose a colon cleanser. Your doctor may also be able to recommend the best colon cleanser for you.


Look for sites that offer comprehensive colon cleansing product reviews. List the products that always appear in the top three.


Note ingredients. Ideally, colon cleansers should have ingredients that are effective in removing toxins from your colon. Ingredients you want to look for if you're using an herbal colon cleanser would be roots of dandelion, black radish, rhubarb, and marshmallow. Aloe is also a good ingredient.


Check for long-term or short-term effects. The best colon cleansers offer long-term effects once you use them. If the product does not mention long-term effect, chances are, you won't be able to get value for your money.


Inspect the gunk from your trunk. A good colon cleanser should expel any and every kind of toxin in your gastro-instestinal tract.

How to Locate the Reflexology Thyroid Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Thyroid Zone

The thyroid is very important to controlling the metabolism of our bodies. If the thyroid isn't operating right, either too slow or overactive, our bodies can lose weight excessively or gain weight without reason. Alternative medicine practices can help without resorting to expensive medications that may also have undesirable side effects. Reflexology can help this condition if you know where the thyroid zone is on the hands and feet.


Use a creeping technique to activate each of the following zones. Creeping is done with the edge of your thumb. You press the thumb to the zone at the first crease of the knuckle and slowly roll it forward along the edge. Once you reach the end of the thumb, you lift the thumb, move it forward slightly, and repeat the thumb pressure. The motion is much like that of a caterpillar.


Find the thyroid zone on the right hand at the base of the thumb. Begin creeping along the bottom knuckle, slowly working your way all the way around the base of the thumb. Work the base in the counter-clockwise direction if you are looking down from the top of the thumb.


Locate the thyroid zone on the bottom of the right foot. The zone begins at the base of the big toe on the pad and runs along the first three toes. The creeping technique is used to work the pad by these three toes. The motion is from the big toe towards the third toe.


Look at the top of the right foot and move to the base of the big toe. The thyroid region is at the base of the big toe along the top of the foot to the third toe. Work this region with a creeping technique from the big toe towards the third toe.

How to Locate the Reflexology Stomach Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Stomach Zone

Stomach aches and pains lead to a variety of intestinal problems. For centuries people have used reflexology to aide in the relief of stomach problems. Reflexology eases the pain caused from stomach aches by relieving the stress and stimulating the stomach muscle. Be on your way to a healthy, happy stomach with a little information and assistance.


Lay or sit the patient so he is comfortable. Allow his to position himself. The patient may be lying down or sitting in this position for up to an hour while you perform the reflexology treatment. Their comfort is essential to relieving stress.


Hold the patient's left hand in the palm of one of your hands. Take your other hand and rub just under the top pad of the hand. Start between the middle finger and the ring finger and press around to the side of the hand and down to the wrist in a circular motion. Make a "C" shape. This is the stomach zone. The pad of your hand is the fatty part below your fingers. The stomach zone is located on the left hand not the right hand.


Position yourself so you have access to the patient's feet. This needs to be a comfortable position for you as you may need to massage for a while.


Lift the left foot into your hands. Use your thumbs to apply pressure around the outside ring of the arch of the foot. The stomach zone on the foot is only located on the left foot and intersects with the liver zone and the kidney zone. Because of this you also stimulate the kidney and liver along with the stomach during the reflexology treatment.

How to Locate the Reflexology Spleen Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Spleen Zone

The spleen is a vital organ in the immune system. Its main function is to destroy old red blood cells and to hold a small reservoir of blood. Reflexology stimulates the spleen and encourages it to work more efficiently. Reflexology is a type of massaging application where another person applies pressure to specific areas of the feet and hands to stimulate and relieve stress.


Instruct the patient to sit or lie down. Make her as comfortable as possible. This aides in the reflexology process. If the body is relaxed it responds better to the treatment.


Hold the left foot of the patient in your hands. Rub your thumbs down the sole of the foot. This is one of the spleen zones. Apply pressure as you rub. The best way to do this is to use your thumbs.


Apply pressure to the outside edge of the arch of the foot. This is not the edge of the foot itself but the area of the foot just before the fatty section toward the outside.


Take the right hand of the patient into your hands and massage the hand in between the small finger and ring finger just below the top pad of the hand. This is another reflexology spleen zone. Apply pressure in a circular motion to this area to stimulate the spleen.

Tips & Warnings

Other parts of your body such as your ear are used for reflexology although there are more concentrated nerve endings in the palm of your hands and on the bottom of your feet.

How to Locate the Reflexology Solar Plexus Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Solar Plexus Zone

Reflexology is the study of effecting changes in the body by applying pressure to the feet and hands. The main idea is that areas on the hands and feet correspond to areas of the body and that manipulating these areas can improve the functioning of the related body part. The solar plexus zone, also known as the K1 meridian, is an important location in reflexology.


Determine the area to begin your search for the solar plexus zone. Draw an imaginary line from the point between you fourth and fifth toes to the highest point of your arch.


Identify the general location of the solar plexus zone as the midpoint of this line.


Sit in a comfortable chair and place a reflexology roller on the floor in front of you. Reach out with a big toe and hold the probe with either end. Press it firmly to the floor with the foot and position the other foot over the wheel in the center of the shaft.


Press the wheel into your foot and begin combing the region between the second and third metatarsal bones for the solar plexus zone.


Continue rolling your foot back and forth if you miss on the first try. You will know that you have found the solar plexus zone when you feel a pinpoint of pain. Apply firm pressure to this point for 20 to 60 seconds and release. Repeat this several times on both feet to relieve tension.

How to Locate the Reflexology Sinuses Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Sinuses Zone

Over 85 percent of Americans suffer from sinus problems each year. One way to relieve your sinuses without using medicines is reflexology. Reflexology is the art of massaging and applying pressure to certain parts of the hands and feet. Each part of the body has nerve endings in the hands and feet. Massaging these parts effectively relieves your sinus problems.


Tell the patient or person afflicted with sinus problems to turn their hands face up.


Place one of their hands in the palm of your hand while you apply pressure to the sinus zone.


Apply pressure and gently massage the areas on each finger from the top knuckle up. This is where the sinus zone is located in the hand. The tips of the thumbs are not part of the sinus zone. Only the tips of the four fingers on each hand are part of the sinus zone.


Place the left foot of the patient in your hands or in your lap. Have the patient relax as much as possible. The more the patient is relaxed the better the reflexology works.


Massage and apply pressure to the bottom of the toes on the left foot. This is the place under the fatty pad of the toes. Rub until the sinuses are relieved. The big toe is not connected to the sinuses. Only the other four toes work as reflexology zones.

Tips & Warnings

Reflexology works best through repetition. Applying the techniques to the hands and feet on a regular basis relieve sinus problems and prevents future sinus issues.

How to Locate the Reflexology Pituitary Gland Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Pituitary Gland Zone

The pituitary gland is responsible for releasing hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands, the thyroid glands, the ovaries and testes. The practice of applying pressure to specific zones on the hands and the bottom of the feet to stimulate specific organs is called reflexology. Using reflexology to stimulate your pituitary gland helps maintain a healthy thyroid, adrenal glands and reproductive organs.


Create a relaxing environment for the patient. It may be a comfortable chair or a bed. It needs to be any place that allows the patient to relax and provides you enough room to move around the patient.


Place the patient's hand in the palm of your hand face up. With your other hand place their thumb in between your thumb and index finger. Apply pressure to the middle of the top the thumb directly behind the fingernail. This is a pituitary gland zone. For best results, apply pressure in an upward motion.


Move around the patient to the other hand. Repeat the process in Step 2 on that hand.


Sit at the patient's feet. Place one of their feet into your hands.


Place the big toe between your thumb and index finger. Apply pressure and press in an upward motion. This is another pituitary reflexology zone.


Repeat the process in Step 5 on the patient's opposite foot.

Tips & Warnings

If the patient reports pain or tenderness rub the area until the pain subsides.

Use lotions and massage oils to soften the skin and relax the patient.
and chamomile are relaxing ingredients to use in the lotions.

How to Locate the Reflexology Pancreas Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Pancreas Zone

The pancreas is a gland organ in the digestive system. The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes, hormones and other fluids such as insulin. With reflexology you stimulate and remove stress from the pancreas by applying pressure to certain zones on the hands and feet. Locating these zones is easy. Reflexology helps people keep their pancreas healthy.


Allow the patient to relax and get comfortable before beginning. This is an essential part of reflexology. If the patient is not comfortable the body does not relax and adds more stress to more organs.


Place the right hand of the patient in your hand. Rub your thumb down the patient's thumb and down to the palm of their hand. Apply pressure on the ridge of the hand in the fatty part below the index finger. This is a pancreas zone. Rub vigorously.


Take the other hand into your hand. Repeat the process in Step 2 but apply the pressure below the middle finger instead of the index. For the best results, rub at the bottom of the hand close to the wrist.


Place the patient's foot in your hands and rub on the middle inside of the arch. This is the same zone on both feet and stimulates the pancreas.

Tips & Warnings

If the patient experiences discomfort pain or tension as you rub, apply pressure and work that area until the pain subsides. If the organ is not functioning properly the patient should experience pain during the process.

How to Locate the Reflexology Lung Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Lung Zone

There are many alternative health avenues that people follow. Many are holistic in approach, treating the body as a whole. Reflexology is a powerful diagnostic tool and a non-invasive procedure to treat areas of need within the human body. Massaging and acupressure techniques can be used on the feet and hands to bring pain relief. Lung conditions may be helped by the activation of these points.


Look at the palm of your right hand. The region along the base of your fingers from side to side and down the palm about one inch denotes the lung region of your palm. Rubbing the region from the center of the hand towards the base of the fingers across this region will activate the lung. Tender spots or sore points indicate that there is some type of stress being applied to the lungs.


Turn your right hand over and curl your fingers loosely into your palm. Along the back of the hand from the knuckles to about one inch back towards the wrist is the lung region. This region extends from one side of the hand to the other side. Rub from the knuckle towards the wrist.


Examine the sole of the right foot. The region defined by the base of the toes from side to side and down to the edge of the ball of the foot is the region for the lungs. Rub from the edge of the ball of your foot towards the base of the toes for relief.


Inspect the top of the right foot and you can find the lung region defined by the base of the toes to about one inch over the top of the foot. The rubbing technique used on the top of the foot is to press from the base of the toe towards the ankle.

How to Locate the Reflexology Kidney Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Kidney Zone

The kidney is considered one of the body's most important organs. The kidney's main function is to remove toxins from your system. Use reflexology to stimulate the kidney and keep your kidneys working properly. Reflexology has been used for thousands of years to stimulate organs and keep them in their best working condition.


Allow the patient to position himself in a comfortable manner. It needs to be a position that allows you access to both his hands and feet.


Find a comfortable position for you. You need to be able to sit and massage the hands and feet of the patient for long periods of time. You may have to move around to have access to the other side of the body.


Place the patient's hand in one of your hands. Use your other hand to locate the middle of his palm. Rub your thumb downward between the index finger and the middle finger just above the thumb line and apply pressure. This is a reflexology kidney zone.


Repeat the process in Step 3 on the other hand. Rub each hand until the pain and discomfort subsides.


Move to the foot of the patient. Place one of his feet into your hands with your thumbs on the sole of the foot. Rub your thumbs down the foot to the bottom of the arch in between the big toe and the next toe. This is another reflexology kidney zone. Apply pressure and rub vigorously in an up and down motion to stimulate the kidney.


Repeat this process in Step 5 on the other foot. Rub and apply pressure until the pain and mild discomfort goes away.

Tips & Warnings

Use aromatherapy lotion or oil to help relax the patient.