How to Look for A Good Colon Cleanser

How to Look for A Good Colon Cleanser

Type "colon cleansers" and you'd have a lot of results for products promising to get rid of toxins. You know you want a good colon cleansing product that works but you also want something that is safe. One of the best things you should do, before anything else, is to research. This way, you would be familiarized with more popular products and would be able to read other people's testimonials about a particular brand. Filtering products that do and do not work is actually easier than you thought.


Talk to your doctor. A medical opinion and evaluation of your medical history is very important before you choose a colon cleanser. Your doctor may also be able to recommend the best colon cleanser for you.


Look for sites that offer comprehensive colon cleansing product reviews. List the products that always appear in the top three.


Note ingredients. Ideally, colon cleansers should have ingredients that are effective in removing toxins from your colon. Ingredients you want to look for if you're using an herbal colon cleanser would be roots of dandelion, black radish, rhubarb, and marshmallow. Aloe is also a good ingredient.


Check for long-term or short-term effects. The best colon cleansers offer long-term effects once you use them. If the product does not mention long-term effect, chances are, you won't be able to get value for your money.


Inspect the gunk from your trunk. A good colon cleanser should expel any and every kind of toxin in your gastro-instestinal tract.

How to Locate the Reflexology Thyroid Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Thyroid Zone

The thyroid is very important to controlling the metabolism of our bodies. If the thyroid isn't operating right, either too slow or overactive, our bodies can lose weight excessively or gain weight without reason. Alternative medicine practices can help without resorting to expensive medications that may also have undesirable side effects. Reflexology can help this condition if you know where the thyroid zone is on the hands and feet.


Use a creeping technique to activate each of the following zones. Creeping is done with the edge of your thumb. You press the thumb to the zone at the first crease of the knuckle and slowly roll it forward along the edge. Once you reach the end of the thumb, you lift the thumb, move it forward slightly, and repeat the thumb pressure. The motion is much like that of a caterpillar.


Find the thyroid zone on the right hand at the base of the thumb. Begin creeping along the bottom knuckle, slowly working your way all the way around the base of the thumb. Work the base in the counter-clockwise direction if you are looking down from the top of the thumb.


Locate the thyroid zone on the bottom of the right foot. The zone begins at the base of the big toe on the pad and runs along the first three toes. The creeping technique is used to work the pad by these three toes. The motion is from the big toe towards the third toe.


Look at the top of the right foot and move to the base of the big toe. The thyroid region is at the base of the big toe along the top of the foot to the third toe. Work this region with a creeping technique from the big toe towards the third toe.

How to Locate the Reflexology Stomach Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Stomach Zone

Stomach aches and pains lead to a variety of intestinal problems. For centuries people have used reflexology to aide in the relief of stomach problems. Reflexology eases the pain caused from stomach aches by relieving the stress and stimulating the stomach muscle. Be on your way to a healthy, happy stomach with a little information and assistance.


Lay or sit the patient so he is comfortable. Allow his to position himself. The patient may be lying down or sitting in this position for up to an hour while you perform the reflexology treatment. Their comfort is essential to relieving stress.


Hold the patient's left hand in the palm of one of your hands. Take your other hand and rub just under the top pad of the hand. Start between the middle finger and the ring finger and press around to the side of the hand and down to the wrist in a circular motion. Make a "C" shape. This is the stomach zone. The pad of your hand is the fatty part below your fingers. The stomach zone is located on the left hand not the right hand.


Position yourself so you have access to the patient's feet. This needs to be a comfortable position for you as you may need to massage for a while.


Lift the left foot into your hands. Use your thumbs to apply pressure around the outside ring of the arch of the foot. The stomach zone on the foot is only located on the left foot and intersects with the liver zone and the kidney zone. Because of this you also stimulate the kidney and liver along with the stomach during the reflexology treatment.

How to Locate the Reflexology Spleen Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Spleen Zone

The spleen is a vital organ in the immune system. Its main function is to destroy old red blood cells and to hold a small reservoir of blood. Reflexology stimulates the spleen and encourages it to work more efficiently. Reflexology is a type of massaging application where another person applies pressure to specific areas of the feet and hands to stimulate and relieve stress.


Instruct the patient to sit or lie down. Make her as comfortable as possible. This aides in the reflexology process. If the body is relaxed it responds better to the treatment.


Hold the left foot of the patient in your hands. Rub your thumbs down the sole of the foot. This is one of the spleen zones. Apply pressure as you rub. The best way to do this is to use your thumbs.


Apply pressure to the outside edge of the arch of the foot. This is not the edge of the foot itself but the area of the foot just before the fatty section toward the outside.


Take the right hand of the patient into your hands and massage the hand in between the small finger and ring finger just below the top pad of the hand. This is another reflexology spleen zone. Apply pressure in a circular motion to this area to stimulate the spleen.

Tips & Warnings

Other parts of your body such as your ear are used for reflexology although there are more concentrated nerve endings in the palm of your hands and on the bottom of your feet.

How to Locate the Reflexology Solar Plexus Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Solar Plexus Zone

Reflexology is the study of effecting changes in the body by applying pressure to the feet and hands. The main idea is that areas on the hands and feet correspond to areas of the body and that manipulating these areas can improve the functioning of the related body part. The solar plexus zone, also known as the K1 meridian, is an important location in reflexology.


Determine the area to begin your search for the solar plexus zone. Draw an imaginary line from the point between you fourth and fifth toes to the highest point of your arch.


Identify the general location of the solar plexus zone as the midpoint of this line.


Sit in a comfortable chair and place a reflexology roller on the floor in front of you. Reach out with a big toe and hold the probe with either end. Press it firmly to the floor with the foot and position the other foot over the wheel in the center of the shaft.


Press the wheel into your foot and begin combing the region between the second and third metatarsal bones for the solar plexus zone.


Continue rolling your foot back and forth if you miss on the first try. You will know that you have found the solar plexus zone when you feel a pinpoint of pain. Apply firm pressure to this point for 20 to 60 seconds and release. Repeat this several times on both feet to relieve tension.

How to Locate the Reflexology Sinuses Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Sinuses Zone

Over 85 percent of Americans suffer from sinus problems each year. One way to relieve your sinuses without using medicines is reflexology. Reflexology is the art of massaging and applying pressure to certain parts of the hands and feet. Each part of the body has nerve endings in the hands and feet. Massaging these parts effectively relieves your sinus problems.


Tell the patient or person afflicted with sinus problems to turn their hands face up.


Place one of their hands in the palm of your hand while you apply pressure to the sinus zone.


Apply pressure and gently massage the areas on each finger from the top knuckle up. This is where the sinus zone is located in the hand. The tips of the thumbs are not part of the sinus zone. Only the tips of the four fingers on each hand are part of the sinus zone.


Place the left foot of the patient in your hands or in your lap. Have the patient relax as much as possible. The more the patient is relaxed the better the reflexology works.


Massage and apply pressure to the bottom of the toes on the left foot. This is the place under the fatty pad of the toes. Rub until the sinuses are relieved. The big toe is not connected to the sinuses. Only the other four toes work as reflexology zones.

Tips & Warnings

Reflexology works best through repetition. Applying the techniques to the hands and feet on a regular basis relieve sinus problems and prevents future sinus issues.

How to Locate the Reflexology Pituitary Gland Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Pituitary Gland Zone

The pituitary gland is responsible for releasing hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands, the thyroid glands, the ovaries and testes. The practice of applying pressure to specific zones on the hands and the bottom of the feet to stimulate specific organs is called reflexology. Using reflexology to stimulate your pituitary gland helps maintain a healthy thyroid, adrenal glands and reproductive organs.


Create a relaxing environment for the patient. It may be a comfortable chair or a bed. It needs to be any place that allows the patient to relax and provides you enough room to move around the patient.


Place the patient's hand in the palm of your hand face up. With your other hand place their thumb in between your thumb and index finger. Apply pressure to the middle of the top the thumb directly behind the fingernail. This is a pituitary gland zone. For best results, apply pressure in an upward motion.


Move around the patient to the other hand. Repeat the process in Step 2 on that hand.


Sit at the patient's feet. Place one of their feet into your hands.


Place the big toe between your thumb and index finger. Apply pressure and press in an upward motion. This is another pituitary reflexology zone.


Repeat the process in Step 5 on the patient's opposite foot.

Tips & Warnings

If the patient reports pain or tenderness rub the area until the pain subsides.

Use lotions and massage oils to soften the skin and relax the patient.
and chamomile are relaxing ingredients to use in the lotions.

How to Locate the Reflexology Pancreas Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Pancreas Zone

The pancreas is a gland organ in the digestive system. The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes, hormones and other fluids such as insulin. With reflexology you stimulate and remove stress from the pancreas by applying pressure to certain zones on the hands and feet. Locating these zones is easy. Reflexology helps people keep their pancreas healthy.


Allow the patient to relax and get comfortable before beginning. This is an essential part of reflexology. If the patient is not comfortable the body does not relax and adds more stress to more organs.


Place the right hand of the patient in your hand. Rub your thumb down the patient's thumb and down to the palm of their hand. Apply pressure on the ridge of the hand in the fatty part below the index finger. This is a pancreas zone. Rub vigorously.


Take the other hand into your hand. Repeat the process in Step 2 but apply the pressure below the middle finger instead of the index. For the best results, rub at the bottom of the hand close to the wrist.


Place the patient's foot in your hands and rub on the middle inside of the arch. This is the same zone on both feet and stimulates the pancreas.

Tips & Warnings

If the patient experiences discomfort pain or tension as you rub, apply pressure and work that area until the pain subsides. If the organ is not functioning properly the patient should experience pain during the process.

How to Locate the Reflexology Lung Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Lung Zone

There are many alternative health avenues that people follow. Many are holistic in approach, treating the body as a whole. Reflexology is a powerful diagnostic tool and a non-invasive procedure to treat areas of need within the human body. Massaging and acupressure techniques can be used on the feet and hands to bring pain relief. Lung conditions may be helped by the activation of these points.


Look at the palm of your right hand. The region along the base of your fingers from side to side and down the palm about one inch denotes the lung region of your palm. Rubbing the region from the center of the hand towards the base of the fingers across this region will activate the lung. Tender spots or sore points indicate that there is some type of stress being applied to the lungs.


Turn your right hand over and curl your fingers loosely into your palm. Along the back of the hand from the knuckles to about one inch back towards the wrist is the lung region. This region extends from one side of the hand to the other side. Rub from the knuckle towards the wrist.


Examine the sole of the right foot. The region defined by the base of the toes from side to side and down to the edge of the ball of the foot is the region for the lungs. Rub from the edge of the ball of your foot towards the base of the toes for relief.


Inspect the top of the right foot and you can find the lung region defined by the base of the toes to about one inch over the top of the foot. The rubbing technique used on the top of the foot is to press from the base of the toe towards the ankle.

How to Locate the Reflexology Kidney Zone

How to Locate the Reflexology Kidney Zone

The kidney is considered one of the body's most important organs. The kidney's main function is to remove toxins from your system. Use reflexology to stimulate the kidney and keep your kidneys working properly. Reflexology has been used for thousands of years to stimulate organs and keep them in their best working condition.


Allow the patient to position himself in a comfortable manner. It needs to be a position that allows you access to both his hands and feet.


Find a comfortable position for you. You need to be able to sit and massage the hands and feet of the patient for long periods of time. You may have to move around to have access to the other side of the body.


Place the patient's hand in one of your hands. Use your other hand to locate the middle of his palm. Rub your thumb downward between the index finger and the middle finger just above the thumb line and apply pressure. This is a reflexology kidney zone.


Repeat the process in Step 3 on the other hand. Rub each hand until the pain and discomfort subsides.


Move to the foot of the patient. Place one of his feet into your hands with your thumbs on the sole of the foot. Rub your thumbs down the foot to the bottom of the arch in between the big toe and the next toe. This is another reflexology kidney zone. Apply pressure and rub vigorously in an up and down motion to stimulate the kidney.


Repeat this process in Step 5 on the other foot. Rub and apply pressure until the pain and mild discomfort goes away.

Tips & Warnings

Use aromatherapy lotion or oil to help relax the patient.

How to Become an Accredited Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainer

How to Become an Accredited Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainer

Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) uses visualization and other methods to treat everything from phobias to bad habits. Those who have successfully changed negative behavior through neuro linguistic programming often desire to help others achieve success in the same way. There are several levels of NLP practitioner training, the highest being accredited trainer. Accreditation courses range from 3 to 6 months in length and cover all NLP theory and practices, including meta-modeling, the Milton Model for language and hypnosis, submodalites and all change techniques.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access and email


Decide on a Course


Make a list of the terms, concepts and methods on which neuro linguistic programming is based from at least two comprehensive factual NLP Web sites. Most sites have an information section for prospective trainers. The NLP University Home Page is a good place to start (see Resources below).


Look up schools on the Internet. Most have individual Web sites, but there are a few lists of accredited institutions, such as the "Hypnotherapy Schools + Training" list at the Natural Healers Web site (see Resources below).


Compare your list with the school course description. There should be only slight variations.


Look at prices and what you get for the money, including how many hours of course work, how much individual time with a trainer and what kind of help in finding employment. Find out whether financial aid is available.

Know What to Expect


Choose two or more schools to investigate in depth.


Interview trainers and graduates of the schools. Ask about how classes are conducted, the attitude towards the material and the real benefits of the course, as well as practical matters such as hours, locations and parking.


Make sure you are qualified. Ask about prerequisites, standards and requirements for enrollment and graduation.


Know what you're getting into. Find out how long it takes to become accredited, how long you have to pay off tuition, whether you will need professional insurance and what kind of hours you will need to put in once you become a trainer.


Choose a school based on your research.

Tips & Warnings

NLP training programs are centered primarily in California, Canada and the UK, but trainers often offer traveling seminars. Check informational Web sites for trainers in your area.

NLP training is expensive, but comprehensive. It is excellent preparation for a career in neuro linguistic programming.

Schools that teach NLP in the U.S. often teach other New Age and self-help methods, as well.

There is no single accreditation standard for NLP, but local associations set their own benchmarks for membership. Choose a program approved by one of these groups.

Accredited certification cannot be acquired through books, tapes, CDs or online. Courses with a senior trainer are required to become a practitioner.

NLP is not a substitute for medical treatment. Acute or chronic mental or physical conditions need the attention of a physician.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Become a Qigong Master

How to Become a Qigong Master

Mastering the art of Qigong (pronounced "chee-gong") takes years of dedication. This Chinese practice involves working with breath, posture and movement in order to channel and direct the natural energy of the body to those places where it belongs. It's sometimes used in conjunction with Western medicine to help AIDS, cancer and diabetes patients treat their symptoms. Becoming a Qigong master will involve a commitment of time. The training itself may be moderately expensive. Follow these steps to find out how to start preparing to become a Qigong master.

Things You'll Need:

Time to practice and to apply the principles of a Qigong lifestyle to your everyday life

Qigong instructor


Start by learning more about Qigong through an introductory text or
that explains some of the basic principles of this complex system. Try Qigong master and Chinese scholar Ken Cohen's "The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing." It gives beginning students a good orientation to many aspects of Qigong (see Resources below).


Find a Qigong instructor. The Qigong Institute Web site has a listing of Qigong instructors throughout the United States (see Resources below).


Take up meditation. The purpose of Qigong is to learn to focus and direct the body's energy. The best way to accomplish this is through meditation.


Master the art of visualization. At all times visualize your body's energy, its Qi, flowing freely and with harmony to those places where it is needed for healing and rejuvenation.


Remember that breathing should not be neglected. To become a true Qigong master, proper breathing techniques must be utilized at all times. They should become second nature.


Move slowly and with great intention. Sloppiness should be avoided at all times. Do nothing that is without purpose. All movements should be performed with strength and integrity.

Tips & Warnings

To become a Qigong master, you'll need to understand Qigong as a way of life rather than as a system with certain rules and practices. Only by applying Qigong to every aspect of your life can you hope to become a real master.

Don't rely on a single teacher or form to become a master. Delve into the rich world of Qigong and explore its many different facets in order to understand the different ways Qigong philosophy manifests itself.

If you experience severe muscle tremors, pain or mental disorientation during Qigong training, cease training and consult a doctor immediately.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Become a Naturopathic Doctor

How to Become a Naturopathic Doctor

A doctor of naturopathy combines elements of traditional medical (allopathic) practice with alternative diagnostic and healing techniques such as acupuncture. Naturopathy treats symptoms from headache to menopausal conditions to digestive disorders. Become a naturopathic doctor in much the same way as you would pursue a conventional medical degree.

Things You'll Need:

Degree in science (B.S.) from a 4-year undergraduate college or extensive undergraduate coursework in science

Pursue Your Pre-Med Education


Attend an accredited 4-year university that offers a pre-medical track in biology, chemistry or psychology and confers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. Most graduate schools will require a 2.5 grade point average.


Add to bachelor of arts training by taking additional science courses that satisfy prerequisites at the naturopathic colleges. You can enter medical school without having to earn a full B.S. degree.

Get Your Medical Degree


Find out what naturopathic practice entails. Talk to licensed physicians. Schedule an office visit for a health check and see for yourself what the doctor-patient relationship is all about. Learn more about deciding to become a naturopath at (see Resources below).


Research colleges of naturopathic medicine. Expect a rigorous 4-year graduate program. The first 2 years focus on basic health sciences such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, botany and developmental psychology. The remainder of the program offers more specialized study of natural medicine, including nutrition and homeopathy, as well as practical internships.

Tips & Warnings

You'll find accredited graduate schools of naturopathy in Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Connecticut and in British Columbia and Ontario, Canada, ONLY. Tuition is expensive, similar to regular medical programs.

If you want to become a doctor and practice in the U.S., you will likely end up working in one of the 15 states that license naturopathic doctors: Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington or Washington, D.C.

A degree from a non-accredited college will not qualify you to practice as a primary care provider.

An online or distance learning program is not recommended by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education as preparation for health care practice.

Some types of symptoms that should be immediately addressed with an M.D. consultation or emergency room visit include excessive bleeding, difficulty breathing or sudden loss of consciousness.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Become a Certified Neuro Linguistic Programmer

How to Become a Certified Neuro Linguistic Programmer

Those sold on the visualization and language techniques that make up the life-change therapy known as neuro linguistic programming are often encouraged by their mentors to become programmers themselves. NLP is used to eradicate bad behavior (like smoking) and foster good behavior (like improved communication and persuasion). While there is no single standard by which NLP training is judged, there are generally accepted levels of expertise. A certified programmer trains anywhere from a few days to a few weeks and may not be an expert in every aspect of NLP. Those who wish to attain the highest degree become accredited trainers, completing a course of several months. Still, certified programmers are in demand and can do a great deal of good with their training.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access


Weigh Your Decision to Become a Certified Neuro Linguistic Programmer


Measure your interest in neuro linguistic programming. As you gather facts about this wide and varied field, try to pinpoint the aspects that are of the most interest to you, such as personal or social programming or hypnosis.


Consider specialization in specific areas (like career goals) or problems (such as phobias or addictions).


Talk to others who have undergone NLP with both positive and negative results. What did they like or dislike about it?

Mount a Search for a Training Organization


Find out what you will be studying. A good course outline can be found in the NLP section of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) Web site (see Resources below). Note: NLP methods do not always involve hypnosis, and it is only a small part of the training to become a certified programmer.


Establish criteria for the training you want, such as subjects that you want to learn and the reputation or renown of the instructors.


Write your criteria down and keep them handy as you search the Internet.


Begin your search at the Web site of an established training organization, like the NFNLP Web site (see Resources below).


Narrow your search to two or three places by comparing the facts to your criteria list.


Remember practical considerations, such as hours, location,
and parking.


Choose a training program.


Call or email the organization or trainer to find out exactly what will be taught and what you will get for your money.


Take the course only after you are satisfied that it is the right choice for you.

Tips & Warnings

Seek out a training organization that belongs to local NLP association and is required to meet standardized criteria set by the association.

A single seminar or a few courses taught publicly at a hotel or convention center might be all you need to become a programmer.

NLP training can be expensive. Consider your options and make sure the training is worth the expense in the long run.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Attend Breathwork School

How to Attend Breathwork School

Breathwork (altering one's breathing to attain a heightened mental state) is becoming more and more popular as people look for alternative ways to manage stress, relieve pain and deal with repressed memories. Becoming a breathwork practitioner may be a lucrative path for people who like to help others. In order to become a practitioner or facilitator, one needs to attend a breathwork school. Follow these steps to find out how.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Learn About Breathwork


Know that breathwork is a psychotherapeutic technique developed by Stanislav Grof, Ph.D. and Christina Grof. Through deliberate hyperventilation, Dr. Grof observed that his subjects' experiences fell into the following areas: sensory and somatic, biographical and individual unconscious, perinatal and the transpersonal.


Understand the connection between breathwork and the birthing process. The four steps of the birthing process are amniotic universe, cosmic engulfment, death versus rebirth struggle and death versus rebirth experience. These are the stages a breather attempts to experience under the guidance of a breathwork facilitator.


Learn more about breathwork by visiting the Association for Holotropic Breathwork International Web site (see Resources below).

Find a Breathwork School


Find a professional breathwork facilitator and ask him or her about his or her training and/or certification. You can find breathwork practitioners through online listings in the Transformational Breathwork Directory (see Resources below).


Visit a breathwork school's Web site to enroll. Flames of Change is an example of a school that offers breathwork training (see Resources below). Here, you can read about what's covered in each course, as well as compare different courses of study.


Enroll in and attend the breathwork school of your choice.

Tips & Warnings

Since there's no formal or official certification process for breathwork, you can choose the program whose length and cost best meet your needs. Schools will offer programs that range in length, difficulty, materials required and cost. Tuition will vary from an affordable week-long class to fees comparable to college tuition for a 3-year program.

Breathwork involves the deliberate hyperventilation of the breathers in the class. This sometimes leads to hypoxia (the lack of oxygen). Additionally, some of those who attend are not prepared for the thoughts and images that appear while they are in a heightened state of mind. Make sure you choose a school that will prepare you for these instances.

If you experience extreme difficulty in breathing or hallucinations due to a lack of oxygen, seek professional medical help immediately.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Dress Business Casual - Women

How to Dress Business Casual - Women

Women can often get away with a wider range of attire than men, because let's face it, guys can't wear skirts or dresses. The rule of thumb is to let comfort and professionalism guide you when you're dressing for business casual occasions.

Things You'll Need:



Sun Hats

Women's Causal Pants

Women's Casual Tops

Women's Shorts

Tennis Shoes

dresses and skirts


Women's Sandals


Ask your human resources department for official guidelines. Business casual means different things at different companies. At a large corporation, it may mean slacks or a business skirt; at a smaller company, it may mean a cotton sweater and a floral skirt.


Before you go casual, check your daily planner to make sure you don't have any meetings that require formal business attire.


Select clean, wrinkle-free clothes.


Wear a good-quality blouse or knit shirt. Include a casual blazer or cardigan if appropriate.


Don pressed khakis or other slacks, or a dress or skirt. If a dress is sleeveless, wear a blazer or cardigan over it. Check your company's policy before you decide to wear jeans to work.


Wear shoes that are comfortable and appropriate for your outfit. Funky platform athletic shoes or strappy sandals might be formal enough for some companies; however, it's more typical to wear closed-toed leather shoes. Avoid worn-out shoes.


Keep the makeup light. Let your natural
shine through.


Accessorize with a silk scarf or classic bracelet to give your casual outfit a polished look.

Tips & Warnings

A basic pair of black slacks is a must for any work wardrobe.

Business casual attire is more formal than weekend wear. Faded T-shirts, shorts, torn clothing and risquĐ“© attire are not appropriate.

How to Dress Boho

How to Dress Boho

Boho is the modern bohemian clothing style that has taken the celebrity world by storm. The look encapsulates the simple, flowy style of hippies and gypsies. The look blends several ethnic styles such as African and Indian prints. Fortunately, the right clothing can be found inexpensively from a variety of sources, including thrift stores. Read on to learn more.


Find vintage '70s, boho-style clothing. Seek out peasant blouses and maxi skirts and other '70s staples. Find these items in second hand stores and at estate auctions. Find modern creations in specialty shops.


Look for bold patterns such as the colorful clothing worn in many parts Africa. Pair these patterns with other patterns without regards to whether they match or clash. Purposely put together pieces in contrasting colors and patterns.


Embellish plainer boho dress items with items such as beads and fringe. Use spangles and faux jewels to create a richer look for any boho item.


Layer your boho clothing finds. Wear two shirts and a scarf along with a short skirt over pants or any other layered combination. Keep all the layers loose-fitting.


Look for vintage accessories or modern accessories that have vintage designs. Wear lots of loose bangles to get the gypsy look. Layer lots of long, thin, ornate necklaces to achieve a similar effect.


Wear jeweled shoes, or decorate a pair of flip-flops to give them a casual yet gypsy-style look. Add rhinestones or jewels to the flip-flops, and wear them with toe rings.

How to Dress Bohemian

How to Dress Bohemian

If you've always worn classic, somewhat proper clothing that befits an office environment, you may have the urge to go a little wild on the weekend, shed those conservative clothes, and slip into something a bit more comfortable. Bohemian style dress gives you a chance to do just that while staying right in fashion.

The bohemian style in fashion is a throwback to the 1970's hippie scene when people wore long flowing fabrics, pheasant blouses, faded jeans, and chunky, natural


. To dress like a bohemian, you don't have to buy brand new hippie themed wardrobe. Why not add a few interesting pieces with boho flair to the wardrobe you already have? Here are some suggestions on how to wear bohemian style dress without spending a fortune


Resurrect Those Faded Jeans.

Now's the time to bring out that faded pair of jeans resting in the back of your closet and pair them with a long flowing blouse and sandals for a comfortable spring and summer look that's all boho. Add a few bangle bracelets and an oversized hobo bag and you're ready to tackle a casual day of shopping bohemian style


Buy a Pair of 1970's Inspired Boots.

If you're serious about the bohemian look, you'll want to purchase a pair of 1970's inspired leather boots to wear with knee length skirts and boho style dresses. They'll coordinate perfectly with ruffled, gypsy creations and your casual denim attire and will mark you as a true boho fashionista.


Layer On The Chunky Jewelery.

Layer on necklaces with natural and stone beads in materials ranging from wood to turquoise. To add even more bohemian flair, visit your local bead store and learn how to make your own hippie style necklace creations. These necklaces will add style and flair to almost any casual, boho style outfit and will give you lots of versatility. Remember, the word bohemian stands for "free thinking" which means you want your jewelry and accessories to be as individual as you are.


Shop Vintage Clothing and


Find some great deals on hippie style clothing by visiting local vintage clothing stores and thrift boutiques. You can pick up some truly authentic boho fashion items for a pittance. Look for faded, worn jeans, long flowing tops, gypsy style skirts, Indian inspired prints, seventies style boots and sandals, as well as unusual vintage jewelry. By doing a little footwork, you can put together a bohemian style wardrobe for almost nothing.

How to Dress Appropriately

How to Dress Appropriately

What's considered appropriate dress largely depends on the industry in which you work, but there can be differences from office to office and even by region of the country. Learning to dress appropriately for work is more important than you might think, as people will judge you based on how you dress.


Look to your company's employee handbook for some basics for office wear. Some things may be prohibited completely, such as jeans or sneakers.


Get a sense of appropriate dress by looking at those around you. You don't want to be the most casually dressed person at the office.


Obtain several blazers, as they are key to any working woman's wardrobe. They have the ability to dress up any outfit and give you a very professional appearance.


Remember that dressing more modestly will never leave a bad impression, whereas wearing a blouse that shows a lot of cleavage could give someone the wrong idea. You want to give off an air of professionalism at all times.




, but go with a natural look and subtle shades. Jewelry should be kept simple and tasteful. Dangling earrings and large bracelets that clank against your desk as you type can be huge distractions.


Focus on having a pulled together look, no matter how dressy or casual your office is. Clothing should be pressed and free from holes or tears. Shoes should be polished and not scuffed or excessively dirty.

Tips & Warnings

Use caution if your office has a policy of casual Fridays. Again, watch to see what your fellow employees are wearing, and always err on the side of caution.

How to Dress an Apple Shaped Figure

How to Dress an Apple Shaped Figure

Someone with an apple shaped body carries most of her weight above her waist, most noticeably in her stomach. She often has large breasts, narrow hips and thin legs. A protruding tummy is the hallmark of the apple shape and the cause of continuing frustration for the woman who must dress this figure type.


Look for fabrics that skim your apple shape. Instead of dressing in clothes that are tight or clingy, buy flowing silks and loose cottons tailored in simple designs.


Dress in monochromatic outfits, instead of mixing several colors. This gives the illusion of length rather than width. Dark colors and small patterns are best for the apple shape.


Emphasize your great legs and draw attention away from your apple shape by dressing in short skirts.


Wear tops with a long shirttail hem. The rounded hem camouflages the tummy.


Find tops with that wrap around your figure and create folds over the stomach area.


Buy skirts and pants with flat fronts. Although they may be more difficult to find, look for side and back zippers. Avoid pockets, pleats and gathers near the waist.


Draw the eye to your shapely bust line by choosing a well-fitted bra. Tops with V-necks are a good choice.

Tips & Warnings

Jeans are frequently a problem for the apple shape. Look for a rise lower than your waist, and leave the belt in the closet.

The apple shaped woman often finds jeans and pants that fit in the waist are much too large in the hips and thighs. A good compromise is dressing in tunic style tops with trim-fitting maternity jeans and pants. They'll give you the extra room in the tummy, but will fit nicely in the hips and thighs.

How to Dress After Pregnancy

How to Dress After Pregnancy

If you've recently had a baby, you're probably eager to swap out your maternity clothes for some more stylish items. While your newborn is probably taking most of your attention, if you can carve out a few minutes for yourself, too, you can look and feel your best without much effort. Read on to learn how.

Things You'll Need:

Wrap dress

Tunic top

Wedge shoes


Belted trench coat

Tailored blazer


Matte jersey pants


Realize that you will have the extra belly bulge for a while, so take care to wear clothes that will minimize this area. Longer tops can usually work well.


Wear your maternity jeans with a sleek tunic for a long, lean line. Only you will know if the panel is there if it's well-covered up!


Use wedge shoes or pumps instead of flats to lengthen your legs and balance out a broader upper half.


Look for matte jersey pants that are easy-to-wear and feel good.


Look thinner instantly by slipping on a structured blazer. The seams and darts will give the illusion of nipping in your waist where you need it.


Rely on a long, fitted cardigan to cover any unsightly bulges.


Invest in a good wrap dress. This will flatter your figure now and will still fit later, too. Best of all, you can dress it up or down for any occasion.


Make a belted trench coat a staple in your wardrobe. This will also make you look polished and put together, even if you have sweats or a top marred with baby stains underneath.

Tips & Warnings

Look like you lost five pounds by wearing control top underwear, stockings or a fitted Lycra slip underneath your clothes.

Buy items that are easy to put on and easy to care for, too.

Remember that it took you 9 (or 10) months of
to have the baby, so expect it take just as long to regain some of your former shape.

Don't buy by size. Try everything on, as your body will have changed from having a baby and you may have to adjust accordingly.

How to Dress According to Personal Physique

How to Dress According to Personal Physique

Because most women's bodies don't fit perfectly into clothes straight off the rack--unless you're a model--it takes a little more effort when choosing clothes according to a personal physique. Here are some tips to help you dress when choosing clothing for your specific body type.


Learn that there are three basic body types: ectomorphs, who have lean boyish-shaped bodies with narrow hips and upper bodies and small waists; mesomorphs, who have hourglass-shaped bodies with wider shoulders and hips and a narrow waist; and endomorphs, who generally have a larger bone structure and are bigger throughout their entire bodies.


Find balance if you are an ectomorph. Women with this physique want to choose clothing that creates the illusion of feminine curves. Buy flowing blouses made from soft fabrics such as silk or satin to create fullness on the top and choose wide-leg dress pants to create a little more fullness on the bottom.


Show off your endomorphic curves. Choose clothing that is tailored to the body but not skintight. Structured


that are wide at the top, narrow at the waist and flare out at the hips are ideal for endomorphic bodies because they create long, lean lines. Also, choose mid-rise pants to camouflage "problem" areas such as the stomach and hips.


Celebrate your goddess mesomorphic body. Dress in shirts that are wider at the top and narrow considerably to hug your small waist. Pencil skirts will work to accentuate your hourglass shape. Choose pants in a straight- or wide-leg cut to give your larger upper body and slender legs balance.

Tips & Warnings

A good tailor can help when you dress according to personal physique because clothing is not one size fits all. Find a good one and have him take in a little here or let out a little there to make your clothes fit better.

Heels effectively elongate every type of physique. This is especially helpful if you have an endomorph body type.

Get out of the juniors section. This section is made for young girls who are still growing into their womanly figures. This means that tops are not made for larger chests and pants do not take curvy hips into account. Buying clothes in this section will result in ill-fitting clothing that is too tight in all the wrong places.

How to Dress a Sporty Figure

How to Dress a Sporty Figure

Sporty figures have broad shoulders and broad chests, though this may not translate to large breasts. You probably have a straight figure-a figure without a tiny waist, large hips or a large chest. Even if you have a sporty figure, you may not be a tomboy and may not want to dress like a boy. But you may need some tips to dress your figure.


De-emphasize your shoulders. Wear scoop neck or V-neck tops, especially if you have a large chest. If you don't have a large chest, try wearing a fitted, buttoned shirt to create a waist. Wear tops with broad straps rather than skinny ones.


Balance your shoulders by adding width to your hips, especially if you have narrow hips. Try wearing A-line skirts and pants that are straight legged or boot cut. If you're tall, you can try wearing flared pants, but be cautious with this look.


Create a waist. Purchase fitted jackets and tops to emphasize the waist you have. Look for straight-lined skirts and pants with darts to create a waist.


Consider purchasing lingerie to emphasize your chest, if you don't have much of one. Get yourself measured by a professional lingerie salesperson so your bras fit and consider purchasing push-up bras or bras with padding.


Look for clothes with flairs. Tulip- or mermaid-shaped skirts or tops with flairs at the hemlines may look great on you.


Find a good tailor so your clothes fit exactly to your shape. Tailors can improve your existing wardrobe for only a few dollars.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid polo shirts and horizontal stripes.

Never wear tops with puff sleeves, jackets with padded shoulders or halter-tops.

Avoid tapered jeans.

How to Dress a Plus-Sized Figure in Summer

How to Dress a Plus-Sized Figure in Summer

Be proud of your curves and show them off. At one time, plus-sized clothing was dreadful. Everything had big prints or crazy designs. More and more companies are taking plus-sized clothing to the next level. There are beautiful summer clothes available to help you look your best. Follow these steps to dress your figure in the summer.


Flatter your shape with an A-line skirt. It flares out from your waist and end just below your knee. The shape is very forgiving and looks great on any figure.


Choose colors that work with your hair and

. Color instantly lifts your complexion and brings out your best features.


Wrap a dress right around yourself. Wrap dresses look great on plus-sized women. The V-neck gives the illusion of a longer body. They are playful and bring the eye right up to your best assets.


Fake the layered look. Instead of putting on actual layers and the bulk that goes along with them, opt for shirts that have mock layers. This includes the collared shirt/V-neck sweater look.


Step into cropped pants. They are slightly shorter that normal pants and are often wide legged. Cropped pants are much more flattering than capris.


Make sure that if you wear a

that it has wider straps. Anything with skinny spaghetti straps will make you look wide.


Wear heels, especially with flirty skirts. They flatter your legs by elongating them.

Tips & Warnings

Buy a bra that fits correctly. If you haven't had a fitting in a while, go for it. A proper-fitting bra makes your clothes fit so much better.

How to Dress a Plus-Sized Figure in Spring

How to Dress a Plus-Sized Figure in Spring

As you shake off the doldrums of winter, think fun and flirty for the spring. You can finally put away the sweaters, get a pedicure and dress in bright colors. Follow these steps to assemble a great looking wardrobe this spring.


Bare the arms in a wide-strapped tank top. Choose shirts with straps that are at least 1 inch wide to add balance to your proportions.


Add color to your wardrobe. You may think that you're disguising your weight by wearing black. That's not the case. In fact, you may be emphasizing it. A splash of color is what you need around your face to bring out your complexion, hair and eye color.


Buy wrap dresses for a figure-flattering look. Whether they're true wrap dresses or faux wrap, the will emphasize your body in all the right places. The deep V brings the eyes upward. The flirty skirt doesn't hug your problem areas.


Go for a bra fitting. A proper fit will make a huge difference in the way your clothing hugs your body.


Get shirts with embellishments along the neckline. They may have beading or sequins or even an attached scarf. All of these get the attention off your problem areas.


Choose a great accessory. Add a necklace, earrings, purse or bracelet that stands out and truly enhances your outfit.


Step into heels that are at least 1 inch high. They will make your legs look longer which, in turn, makes you appear thinner.

Tips & Warnings

Buy clothes that fit. If they don't, they'll be unflattering.

Don't wear shapeless, oversize clothing. It just makes you appear larger.

Never wear horizontal stripes.

Avoid capri or tapered leg pants. They'll make you appear top-heavy.

Never wear huge prints.

How to Dress a Petite Figure

How to Dress a Petite Figure

If you're petite, you already know it's hard to find clothes that fit properly. Clothes that look great on a taller frame may make your body look larger or make you look shorter than you are. If you're petite, there are some things to keep in mind when choosing your clothes.


Look for proportional clothes. Don't settle for jackets that are too long in the sleeves or make your shoulders look big. Let tops land where they're supposed to, preferably at waist level. Purchase structured clothes or clothes with seaming at the waist to emphasize your waist.


Find a good tailor so your clothes fit your body shape. Many petite people need not only their pants hemmed, but the sleeves of their tops and jackets taken up as well.


Show off your legs. Choose skirts that hit above the knee to make your legs look longer. Avoid calf-length or ankle-length skirts that make you look shorter than you are. Mini-skirts are okay, depending on your age, your comfort level and your body shape.


Purchase straight-legged pants. Tapered pants look awful no matter what your body type is, and boot cut or flared pants make petite women look shorter than they are. Get your pants properly hemmed so the hems brush the tops of your shoes.


Consider buying pointy-toed shoes, or avoid shoes with a squared toe. These make the leg look shorter than pointy-toed shoes. If you're comfortable, wear shoes with at least a 2-inch heel.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid large prints. On a petite figure, large prints make you look smaller and overwhelm your body. Go for clothes without prints or look for small prints.

Avoid cropped pants, tops and jackets. These make your figure look shorter.

How to Dress a Cone Shaped Figure

How to Dress a Cone Shaped Figure

An important rule in fashion is knowing what body type you are trying to dress. If your chest is larger than your waist and your hips and legs are even smaller, you are what is commonly called cone shaped. You can easily turn your inverted triangular body image into an innovative triumph by balancing your appearance with clothes that make you look leaner up top and evenly proportioned below.


Find positive things about your body. Many people wear shoulder pads because they are trying to get the look you have naturally. Remember, you want to manipulate your wardrobe to compliment your body type. Now all you need to do is be conscientious about how various styles and accents give different illusions on different shapes. Always accentuate the positives without overstating them and deemphasize those features that you are less proud of. If you're unsure, enlist the help of a local fashion expert. The Internet is a great resource for finding a fashionista who will assist you in framing you physique without punishing your pocketbook.


Be aware of how colors and fabrics appear on you. Darker colors are slimming and are a good choice as tops. How a fabric is created determines how it will look on your figure. Knits tend to flex, where woven materials may hold their form. You may want to wear tops that cling and bottoms that don't.


Avoid tops with high-placed pockets, buttons or designs that draw attention to your top half. Try wide-leg pants and skirts or dresses that are triangular in shape.


Have your clothes altered. Many people can fit into items off the rack, but most are better suited having them tailored to fit your unique body type. In many instances, your seamstress can make subtle adjustments to make your garments more flattering to you figure.

Tips & Warnings

Seek professional help. Magazines, books and blogs are bountiful. Use them.

Whatever you wear, own it. If you're not confident in it, wear something else.