How to Dress Boho

How to Dress Boho

Boho is the modern bohemian clothing style that has taken the celebrity world by storm. The look encapsulates the simple, flowy style of hippies and gypsies. The look blends several ethnic styles such as African and Indian prints. Fortunately, the right clothing can be found inexpensively from a variety of sources, including thrift stores. Read on to learn more.


Find vintage '70s, boho-style clothing. Seek out peasant blouses and maxi skirts and other '70s staples. Find these items in second hand stores and at estate auctions. Find modern creations in specialty shops.


Look for bold patterns such as the colorful clothing worn in many parts Africa. Pair these patterns with other patterns without regards to whether they match or clash. Purposely put together pieces in contrasting colors and patterns.


Embellish plainer boho dress items with items such as beads and fringe. Use spangles and faux jewels to create a richer look for any boho item.


Layer your boho clothing finds. Wear two shirts and a scarf along with a short skirt over pants or any other layered combination. Keep all the layers loose-fitting.


Look for vintage accessories or modern accessories that have vintage designs. Wear lots of loose bangles to get the gypsy look. Layer lots of long, thin, ornate necklaces to achieve a similar effect.


Wear jeweled shoes, or decorate a pair of flip-flops to give them a casual yet gypsy-style look. Add rhinestones or jewels to the flip-flops, and wear them with toe rings.