How to Dress a Cone Shaped Figure

How to Dress a Cone Shaped Figure

An important rule in fashion is knowing what body type you are trying to dress. If your chest is larger than your waist and your hips and legs are even smaller, you are what is commonly called cone shaped. You can easily turn your inverted triangular body image into an innovative triumph by balancing your appearance with clothes that make you look leaner up top and evenly proportioned below.


Find positive things about your body. Many people wear shoulder pads because they are trying to get the look you have naturally. Remember, you want to manipulate your wardrobe to compliment your body type. Now all you need to do is be conscientious about how various styles and accents give different illusions on different shapes. Always accentuate the positives without overstating them and deemphasize those features that you are less proud of. If you're unsure, enlist the help of a local fashion expert. The Internet is a great resource for finding a fashionista who will assist you in framing you physique without punishing your pocketbook.


Be aware of how colors and fabrics appear on you. Darker colors are slimming and are a good choice as tops. How a fabric is created determines how it will look on your figure. Knits tend to flex, where woven materials may hold their form. You may want to wear tops that cling and bottoms that don't.


Avoid tops with high-placed pockets, buttons or designs that draw attention to your top half. Try wide-leg pants and skirts or dresses that are triangular in shape.


Have your clothes altered. Many people can fit into items off the rack, but most are better suited having them tailored to fit your unique body type. In many instances, your seamstress can make subtle adjustments to make your garments more flattering to you figure.

Tips & Warnings

Seek professional help. Magazines, books and blogs are bountiful. Use them.

Whatever you wear, own it. If you're not confident in it, wear something else.